Annual Fall Native Bulb and Seed Sale
September 28-29, 2024
Our Native Bulb and Seed Sale takes place each year at the Corvallis Fall Festival. We offer bags of bulbs and seed mixes of species that are all native to the Willamette Valley and offer the maximum wildlife and habitat benefits.
Some species sell out fast, so come early on the first day for the best selection!
2024 Product List
Allium acuminatum - Tapertip Allium
Allium amplectens - Narrowleaf Allium
Brodiaea elegens - Elegant Brodiaea
Camassia leichtlinii ssp. suksdorfii - Great Camas
Camassia quamash - Common Camas
Calochortus tolmiei - Cat's Ear Tulip
Dichelostemma congestum - Fork-Toothed Ookow
Triteleia hyacinthina - Triplet Lily
Lomatium nudicale - Barestem Biscuitroot
Collomia grandiflora - Large-Flowered Collomia
Eriophyllum lanatum var. leucophyllum - Oregon Sunshine
Gilia capitata - Blue Globe Gilia
Plectritis congesta - Rosy Plectritis
Lupinus rivularis - Riverbank Lupine
Geum macrophyllum - Oregon Avens
Thalictrum polycarpum - Tall Meadow Rue
Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata - Common Self-Heal
Butterfly Mix - short forbs
Annual Color Mix