Garden Plan | Sunny Pollinator Garden

Designed for a typical suburban backyard, this 40’ x 25’ pollinator garden features showy native Willamette Valley plants. It should have a sunny southern exposure. Spread out the design and plant larger groupings to fill a bigger space. Click on the design above to enlarge it, or download it to print here:
Inclusion of trees, shrubs, and perennials provides a variety of heights. Low-growing self-heal, wood strawberry, and kinnikinnik along the edge soften the transition to an adjacent lawn.
Earliest spring blooms are provided by kinnikinnik, camas, shooting star, Oregon grape, Indian plum, and red-flowering currant, continuing with tiger lilies, milkweed, Douglas aster, and gumweed in the late summer and fall.
A short path leads to a bench beside the mock orange, so you can enjoy the fragrance while immersing yourself in the buzz of busy pollinators.
Would you like to purchase the plants in this design?
Broadleaf Trees
- Choke Cherry x1
- Vine Maple x2
Large Shrubs
- Blue Elderberry x1
- Buckbrush x1
- Indian Plum x1
- Mock Orange x1
- Red-osier Dogwood x1
- Serviceberry, Pacific x3
Small Shrubs
- Nootka Rose x2
- Red Flowering Currant x2
- Tall Oregon Grape x3
- Kinnikinnik x3
- Salal x3
- Wood Strawberry x17
- Broad-leaved Shooting Star x8
- Common Camas x3
- Common Self-heal x6
- Douglas Aster x3
- Oregon Iris x4
- Oregon Sunshine x6
- Red Columbine x7
- Rose Checkermallow x6
- Showy Milkweed x3
- Narrow-leaved Milkweed x3
- Tiger Lily x9
- Willamette Valley Gumweed x3