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Sulphur-flower Buckwheat | Eriogonum umbellatum

This low-growing plant is extremely variable and has an astounding 13 varieties in Oregon alone. Most commonly, it forms mats of triangular leaves and yellow to orange umbel flowers from an ascending stalk. This species is known to be highly attractive to many insect species and bloomsthroughout late summer.


Plant Details

HabitatsUpland Prairie and Savanna
Habitat NotesDoes best in full sun, dry slopes 
PhenologyPerennial; flowering May-September
Mature HeightUp to 1 foot
Shade ToleranceFull sun
Soil ToleranceDry rocky well-drained soil
Special UsesThe seeds for this species serve as a food source for birds; nectar source for bees and butterflies; a common host plant for many caterpillar species