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Volunteer for Salmon Watch

Volunteering for Salmon Watch is a great way to get outdoors and share your love for nature with the next generation!

Program Basics and Logistics

Salmon Watch is a fully volunteer-led program, with the exception of the Program Coordinators who are staff of Benton SWCD. We couldn’t do it without our amazing volunteers!

Benton County Salmon Watch field trips run from mid-October to mid-November, in Clemens County Park in Alsea, Oregon. A minimum of 4 volunteers is required for each program – one to lead each of the 4 stations. For larger programs, additional volunteers may be requested by the Program Coordinator.

Most field trips take place from Tuesday-Thursday each week, from 10am to 1:30pm. Volunteers are expected to arrive by 9:15am and to stay until all program activities are cleaned up, usually by 2:00pm.

Training Process for New Volunteers

  1. Attend a half-day training session in September - or just jump to the next step if you missed the training!
  2. Shadow a program to see all 4 stations in action and get a feel for program logistics
  3. Complete the required Background Check (the background check is free - just choose to have Calapooia Watershed Council pay, OR you can choose to donate the fee.)
  4. Decide which station you would like to concentrate on leading this season. (Many of our volunteers are trained on multiple stations, but we recommend you start with just one your first season. If you'd like to train on more stations later, that's great!)
  5. Thoroughly review the Volunteer Manual and explore the linked learning resources
  6. Shadow another program to watch your chosen station all day, or team teach with the Lead Volunteer if you're comfortable
  7. Sign up to lead your station on your own - as many dates as you'd like!


FAQs About Volunteering for Salmon Watch
When does the program take place? 

Tuesdays-Thursdays each week, October 16-November 21. Volunteers arrive at 9:30am and depart by 1:30pm.

Are there any minimum volunteering requirements? 

Nope! You can participate in just one field trip or however many you’d like.

Do I need to have any prior background knowledge or experience teaching kids? 

Nope! You’ll learn everything you need at the volunteer training, and you’ll be able to shadow as many programs as you’d like before leading a station by yourself. Support and mentorship from Sara is available at all times.

Why should I volunteer for Salmon Watch? 

You’ll get to spend time in a beautiful natural setting, view spawning salmon, and help kids to develop an appreciation and sense of wonder for nature. What’s not to love?!

How do I learn more? 

Check out the new Volunteer Manual for lots more detail about the program, or contact the Program Coordinator at: