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Wet Prairie

A photo of wet prairie habitat. In the foreground there are pink checkermallow flowers and  prairie grasses. Douglas-fir trees line the background.
A photo of wet prairie habitat. In the foreground there are pink checkermallow flowers and  prairie grasses. Douglas-fir trees line the background.

Wet prairies were once a common habitat in the floodplain of the Willamette River. These habitats occur on poorly drained clay soils or shallow soils above bedrock. Seasonal flooding creates anaerobic wetland soil characteristics (hydric). Many wet prairies were also historically maintained by late summer fires initiated by the Native Americans. Wet prairies are dominated by herbaceous plants, with some native grass species.



Tufted hairgrassRoemers fescue
One-sided sedgeDenseleaf sedge


CamasOregon sunshine
Elegant downingiaCheckermallows



Canada gooseNorthern harrier
Wilson s snipeAmerican grass bug
Short-eared owlGray fox