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White Trillium | Trillium albidum

This trillium species features three large leaves with distinct mottled patern and three-petaled, sessile white flowers growing up from the center. It can be seen along the trails of McDonald Forest and other forested slopes from Oregon to California. Blooms March-May.

White trillium (T. albidum) is distinguished from western trillium (T. ovatum) based on presence of mottling and whether the flower is on a stalk or sessile. White trillium leaves are mottled and the flowers are sessile, whereas western trillium leaves are not mottled and the flowers are stalked.


Plant Details

HabitatsRiparian Forests, Mixed Hardwood-Conifer Forest or Woodland
Habitat NotesFound in moist coniferous forests. Attracts beneficial insects.
PhenologyPerennial; flowering March-May 
Mature Height1-2 ft.
Shade PreferencePart shade
Soil ToleranceMoist soil