Mixed Hardwood-Conifer Forest or Woodland

Mixed hardwoods and conifers characterize this habitat which is widespread in western Oregon in the medium elevations of the hills of the Coast Range. Precipitation is higher in this habitat than in the lowlands of the Willamette Valley. Bordering this habitat at upper elevations is Montane Mixed Conifer Forest.
Dominant species
Douglas-fir | Bigleaf maple |
Red alder |
Western hemlock | Western red cedar |
Shrubs and forbs
Vine maple | Salal |
Sword fern | Oregon grape |
Black tailed deer | Douglas squirrel |
Roosevelt elk | Northern flying squirrel |
Raccoon | Cougar |
Bobcat | Great horned owl |
Coopers hawk | Stellar jay |
Hairy woodpecker | Chestnut backed chickadee |
Pileated woodpecker | Pacific tree frog |