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Fireweed | Chamaenerion angustifolium

This native flowering perennial spreads easily and is often found in forest clearings, along roadsides, and in low, wet places. Commonly establishes after fires, hence the name fireweed. Creates 3-6 ft tall spires of pinkish-purple blooms from June through September. A great food source for butterflies, bees, other beneficial insects, and hummingbirds.

Plant Details

HabitatsShallow Marsh, Upland Prairie and Savanna, Mixed Hardwood-Conifer Forest or Woodland, Oak Woodland, Bottomland Forests, Riparian Forests
Habitat NotesDoes best in moist soils but can tolerate dry ones. This species spreads easily once established
PhenologyPerennial; flowering June-September
Mature Height3-6 ft
Shade PreferenceFull sun, part shade, full shade
Soil ToleranceMoist, well-drained to dry soils
Special UsesSupports beneficial insects and hummingbirds; erosion control. Often a species used to reclaim a disturbed site and is planted after a fire or clear cut