Oak Woodland

Oregon White Oaks dominate these woodlands and may support an open to moderately shrubby understory. Over thirty percent of the canopy shades the ground, but still filter light allowing oak seedling germination. These woodlands are found on low elevation slopes and on drier flat terrain. Oaks provide multiple benefits to wildlife such as acorns for food or cavities for nesting. Douglas-fir is a common invader that can overtop and shade the oaks resulting in conversion of oak woodlands to conifer forest.
Oregon white oak | Blue wildrye |
Small camas | Pacific blacksnakeroot |
Poison-oak | Common snowberry |
Sword fern | Thin-leaved peavine |
Key at-risk species associated with oak woodlands include:
Acorn woodpecker | Chipping sparrow |
Slender billed nuthatch | Western gray squirrel |
Red-legged frogs |